Microcurrent Technology

Microcurrent is the closest known electrical current that can be delivered on a near identical magnitude as the electrical current the human body naturally produces on its own; it is therefore physiologic and safe. Traditionally used for healing purposes for over 60 years, its cosmetic effects were discovered by accident when a physician treating the face of Bell's palsy patients with microcurrent noticed them looking younger over time as facial wrinkles and creases reduced significantly.

As we age, our body loses much of its natural electrical energy, similar to a battery gradually losing its charge. On a cellular level, this leads to a breakdown of collagen and elastin in our skin, which leads to sagging and unevenness of texture; lines, wrinkles, and folds become the inevitable result. Beneath the skin, the facial muscles become increasingly contracted over years of facial expression and constant gravity, resulting in the overall lift of our face to drop.

Microcurrent emits subtle electrical frequencies that mimic the body's own electrical signals, thereby increasing the amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the chemical fuel of human cells) by as much as 500%. Such increased levels of ATP speed cellular metabolism; the result is a detoxification that increases the rate of waste and impurity elimination. Protein synthesis and cellular membrane transport are also increased, as well as the reconstitution of collagen and elastin. The results of these processes can be seen in improved skin tone and coloration, the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, and the firming of sagging areas of the face and body.

Besides the increase in ATP, protein synthesis, and cellular membrane transport, clinical studies have consistently shown that Microcurrent causes the following:

500% increase in ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate, the chemical fuel of energy)
35% increase in blood circulation
40% increase in Gluconeogenesis (production of new glucose)
45% increase in the number of elastin fibers in the dermis
50% increase in the length of the elastin fibers
10% increase in collagen thickness in the connective tissue
35% increase in the number of blood vessels
28% increase lymphatic drainage

All of these combinations are key factors in the effectiveness of microcurrent facial sculpting. The body is literally being recharged back to its more youthful electrical state, as though a draining battery were plugged into a charger. With each treatment, ATP levels are stockpiled or stored, which is why microcurrent facial treatment results are cumulative and become better as a series of treatments progresses. Facial sculpting will show good results with only one treatment; however such results may last only 48-72 hours in the initial treatment, then 3-4 days as you reach your 4th or 5th treatment. By the 6 th or 8 th treatment, muscle memory takes over and progress becomes more rapid and longer lasting, until only a booster treatment is needed every 4-6 weeks to maintain the results. This is called "muscle re-education."

The dramatic increase of ATP levels allows muscles to stay in the re-educated positions for longer periods of time. The other attributing factor is an increase in blood circulation. Blood circulation has everything to do with the function, condition, color, and overall health of the skin, as well as underlying tissue.

Compare that to any "skin resurfacing" procedure which only stimulates collagen by wounding the dermis. Microcurrent does not rely upon wounding, nor does it require a healing process to show results.

*Information from Beautiful Image llc. Not intended to treat or diagnose any skin condition.